Josiah Brunson Chapter, NSDAR

Trussville, AL

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution serving Jefferson and St. Clair counties in Alabama

Our chapter is based in Trussville, Alabama with members from the surrounding area, including Jefferson, St. Clair, and Blount counties. Chapter meetings are at 10:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month, September through May. Guests are welcome.
Chapter projects, events, and programs are designed to promote education, patriotism, and historic preservation. Members are encouraged to identify opportunities for service in their own communities, as well as participate in local and state events.

Recent chapter activities include:

  • Partnering with Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard, Springville High School Beta Club, Springville Trail Life Scout Troop, Springville Mayor Dave Thomas and Springville High School Band by placing more than 350 wreaths at four Wreaths Across America locations: Springville City, Reeves Grove, Pleasant Hill and Red Hill Cemeteries Dec 14-15, 2024
  • Celebrating Josiah Brunson’s fifty year anniversary and 250 year Edenton, NC Tea Party on October 13, 2024 at The Historic Springville Presbyterian Church
  • Honoring United States Air Force Retired Colonel, Frank Waid with the DAR Excellence in Community Service Award on October 6, 2024 at Springville Methodist Church
  • Participating with Sons of the American Revolution: Patriot Grave Marking for Thomas Jones, Jr. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery on September 22, 2024
  • Transcribing and indexing historical records for the NSDAR online American Revolutionary War Records Database
  • Contributing to placing markers to memorialize events in American history including the America 250! Memorial at the America Village in Montevallo, Alabama
  • Supporting our military through National Defense-Project Patriot: U.S.S. Gravely, Project Oasis, deployed Alabama National Guard units and “Show Our Military Some Love-Alabama National Guard at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama”
  • Cleaning Revolutionary War Soldier tombstones
  • Donating books to several local libraries
  • Retiring worn United States Flags

In addition to these chapter projects, many of our members participated in local and state events including:

  • American Society Daughters of the American Revolution State Conference
  • Alabama Society Daughters of the American Revolution Meeting of the Districts

2025 meetings include programs on:

January: Project Patriot-Service in Seconds (Postcards to deployed AL National Guard), Marquis de Lafayette: His Life & Epic Tour Part II; Share a Patriot
February: Project Patriot-Show Our Military Some Love, Threads of Love, Ann Foster speaker
March: Alabama Society Daughters of the American Revolution State Conference
April: Good Citizenship Award’s program
May: John Philips Sousa, “Stars and Stripes Forever”, DAR Spotlight: Berry College, Cyndy Horner speaker
June: Children of the American Revolution, Mindy Manners speaker
July: Special programs will be held at chapter members’ homes
August: Special programs will be held at chapter members’ homes
October: American Heritage-American Quilt Making- Alabama Society Daughters of the American Revolution American Heritage Committee Chair, Martha Brouse speaker
November: Alabama Society Daughters of the American Revolution Librarian, Laura Murray speaker

Daughters of the American Revolution